Alex Buck / AIA
Design Professional

Been at BB+M Since:
July 2021
What do you do at BB+M:
Ask questions, design answers.
Team Taco or Team Pizza:
Pizza, but I’m not picky.
Favorite Beatles Song:
Eleanor Rigby.
All Inclusive or A La Carte:
All inclusive.
Taj Mahal or Eiffel Tower:
Eiffel Tower.
Favorite Local Craft Beverage:
Beer for Burritos from Model A.
Hand Sketch or Digital:
Depends on the task, both have merit.
National Parks or City by Foot:
Folded, Rolled or Unorganized Sock Drawer:
Favorite Cartoon Character:
Sokka – Avatar the Last Airbender.
Beacham, Bunce or Manley?
Kramer (the dog)